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  1. Joomla rewrites all the urls into https

    August 2013

    I have been updating a old Joomla codebase (in web application terms old = ~five years). I was attempting to integrate some javascript and had an unexpected problem.

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  2. Updated knox and now the app hangs

    August 2013

    I updated the version of knox in one of my Node.js projects. Had not done a library update in quite awhile, and since Node is getting closer to 1.0 release seemed like a good idea to update them all and keep moving towards 1.0 together. I did, and ran it, everything worked just as before except the program never terminated. I could tell by the expected actions all completing. Then it looked like the program just hung. No errors. Weird.

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  3. Adding Class Names to Links in Markdown

    August 2013

    Markdown is a wonderful format for a lot of authoring. It is a nice hybridization of old-school text file style authorship with an understanding of the necessity of translating that format for HTML viewing. Unfortunately there is always going to be a little push-and-pull between Markdown retaining its non-HTML, basic text format and adding to Markdown ways to hint as to an expected HTML output. For example you can add what look a lot like url links:

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